Thursday, February 17, 2011

NPR SONG OF THE DAY: Campfire OK: A Song For The 'Strange'

Campfire OK: A Song For The 'Strange'
A wonderfully layered pop-rock song, Campfire OK's "Strange Like We Are" grows as it goes, with handclaps and three-part harmonies culminating in more powerful choruses.

Campfire OK was just a duo when Mychal Goodweather first began work on the band's debut, Strange Like We Are. He, along with his drummer, emerged from the studio with piano, bass, drum and vocal tracks. But soon after returning home, Goodweather started recruiting additional Seattle musicians to play on the record. Banjos and horns soon made their way into the mix and, as Goodweather told the blog Mid-By-Northwest, these session musicians became permanent members of the band.

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